Refund / Exchange Policy
Any tickets purchased for the Lyric's subscription series, either through our online shop, our subscription brochure or Ticketmaster are principally non-refundable for cash, except in cases where the Lyric has to cancel the concert due to force majeure. Members of the Lyric can exchange unused tickets for future concerts in the same season for any reason. If you are a member and have a ticket you need to exchange, we recommend you do this early to ensure you can attend the replacement concert of your choice, as single events can and do sell out.
Non-members of the Lyric and student ticket holders cannot exchange their tickets, irrespective of whether they were bought as single tickets or part of a subscription. In the rare case of a force majeure cancellation, the Lyric will not be able to refund service charges and transaction fees for credit card payments. Refunds must be requested within 30 days after the cancelled event. Please allow 30 days after sending in your request for the refund to be issued.
Seating Policy
The Lyric's concerts are all held in general admission venues. Members of the Lyric will have early seating available 45 minutes prior to the start time of an event. One additional seat per member can be reserved during early seating. 30 minutes prior to the event, general seating opens. Members who arrive at the concert after general seating has begun will no longer have early seating available. Be sure to bring your membership card to speed up the seating process for your fellow members.
Late Admission Policy
We strongly urge you to arrive at the concert hall before the posted start time for each concert. While we will do our best to accommodate you, late-comers will be seated strictly at the discretion of management. Please cooperate with our ushers, as we try to find you a seat without disrupting the performance.
Will Call / Box Office
The box office opens 1 hour before the posted start time for the event. All pre-purchased tickets are held at will call of the night of each concert. Lyric does not mail any tickets to you. So, be sure to bring your order confirmation with you when coming to the concert.